The list given below is the predicted list of most probable cue cards that could be asked in your upcoming IELTS speaking cue card from Cue Cards January To April 2022.
Bear in mind that you will be given only one topic for your speaking exam. However, you must prepare a range of topics and be well prepared for the day ahead of time.
Now we are providing you with a list of IELTS speaking Latest Cue Cards from Cue Cards January To April 2022.
You can drop a message in the comment section for sharing your experience concerning how this list-assisted you in clearing your IELTS examination.
Cue Cards are updated regularly so keep visiting our website frequently for regular updates for IELTS Speaking cue cards from Cue Cards January To April 2022 with answers. Please do like our Instagram, Youtube and Facebook page and don’t forget to subscribe
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Cue card list January To April 2022
1. | Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired |
2. | Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved |
3. | Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully |
4. | Describe something you received for free |
5. | Describe a famous person that you are interested in |
6. | Describe a toy you liked in your childhood |
7. | Describe your experience when you changed your school/college” or Describe an experience about moving to a new school or house |
8. | Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about |
9. | Describe a resolution you made in the new year |
10. | Describe a skill that you learned from older people |
11. | Describe a special cake you received from others |
12. | Describe a thing you did to learn another language |
13. | Describe a person you follow on social media |
14. | Describe a skill that you learned from older people |
15. | Describe a course that impressed you a lot |
16. | Describe a place in a village that you visited |
17. | Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend |
18. | Describe a city that you think is very interesting |
19. | Describe an interesting song. |
20. | Describe a long walk you ever had. |
21. | Describe a rule that you don’t like |
22. | Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you. |
23. | Describe a time you visited a new place |
24. | Describe someone you really like to spend time with |
25. | Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in |
26. | Describe a person who contributes to the society |
27. | Describe a story someone told you and you remember |
28. | Describe a person who impressed you the most when you were in primary school |
29. | Describe a thing you cannot live without (not a mobile or computer) |
30. | Describe an item on which you spent more than expected |
31. | Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend |
32. | Describe a difficult thing you did |
33. | Describe a time you moved to a new home/school |
34. | Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn |
35. | Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes your time |
36. | Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study |
37. | Describe a cafe you like to visit |
38. | Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading |
39. | Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way |
40. | Describe an art or craft activity (example painting, woodwork, etcetera) that you had at school |
41. | Describe a time you got up early. |
42. | Talk about an article which you have read about health |
43. | Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like |
44. | Describe a time you bought something from a street or outdoor market |
45. | Describe a difficult decision that you once made |
46. | Describe a creative person whose work you admire |
47. | Describe a famous athlete you know. |
48. | Describe a time when you’re waiting for something special that would happen |
49. | Describe a good service you received |
50. | Describe a place you visited on vacation |
51. | Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go on. |
52. | Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop |
53. | Describe a businessman you admire |
54. | Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future |
55. | Describe an activity that you do after school/work |
56. | Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting |
57. | Describe an argument two of your friends had? |
58. | Describe someone older than you, whom you admire |
59. | Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home |
60. | Describe a time when you tried to do something but weren’t very successful |
61. | Describe a live sports match that you have watched |
62. | Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc) you have played |
63. | Describe a law on environmental protection |
64. | Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports music |
65. | Describe an occasion when many people were smiling |
66. | Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike |
67. | Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in |
68. | Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone |
69. | Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people |
70. | Describe an art or craft activity (e.g painting, woodwork, etc) that you had (at school) |
71. | Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media |
72. | Describe your favorite movie |
73. | Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in |
74. | Describe a time when you helped a friend |
75. | Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try |
76. | Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about |
77. | Describe a time when you shared something with others (or another person) |
78. | Describe a time you made a promise to someone |
79. | Describe an art exhibition that you visited |
80. | Describe your favorite singer |
81. | Describe an aquatic animal |
82. | Describe your first day at school |
83. | Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth |
84. | Describe a bag you want to own |
85. | Describe a skill that you can teach other people |
86. | Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination |
This is a predicted list of cue cards IELTS speaking January 2022 to April 2022 cue cards list. We will regularly update the list so you can subscribe to our Facebook and youtube channel for more updates.
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