Talk about something that you do to stay healthy.
You should say:
What the activity is?
When you do it?
How often you do it?
Explain why is it a good way to look after your health?

Owing to the sedentary lifestyles and automation, people are becoming vulnerable to several ailments at their early ages. Hence, they are turning health conscious these days and tend to maintain their health by engaging themselves in myriad things like gyming, cycling, swimming etc. In my case, I choose to start yoga sessions approximately a year ago.
Last year, I gained some extra pounds which made me concerned because I started facing certain health issues like back ache, sore muscles and was also diagnosed to be a pre-diabetic. At that point of time, one of my colleagues, Vikas, recommended me to opt this.
I must admit, an hour of yoga can not only manage your body to be in shape, but also ensures people’s health as it has the cure to almost every hormonal disorders if performed daily. Since then, I start my day with my yoga mat, water bottle and yoga session in bougainvillea park located in my proximity where I revitalise myself in an natural ambience with chirping of birds and cool breezes of air. I have specifically chosen those postures which assist in cutting the extra fat of the body and regulating the body hormones for its proper functioning like sun salutation, cobra pose, plow pose etc.
Now, I feel way better as I could feel the escalated energy level, flexibility and mental invigoration besides being salubrious. My persistent efforts have born plentiful merits when it comes to my health such as boosted endurance, flexibility, relief from stress and back troubles and has helped me to get a sound sleep every night.
During the lockdown too, I didn’t compromise with my fitness and continued my yoga sessions by following the videos of Baba Ramdev, who has made it globally popular to an extent that an international day of yoga is being celebrated every year. He has ample exercises which work wonders for every sort of health issue – be it thyroid, cholesterol or blood pressure.
All in all, I believe in the maxim that health is wealth so people should spare some time out for performing any of physical activities to stay fit and lead a quality life.