Talk about a Lazy person you know.
You should say:
- What should he/she do to improve
- Who the person is
- How well you know him
- What makes this person lazy

Humans sometimes tend to become lethargic which is in their nature and this is absolutely fine as well in my perception, but there are some people who I think are born to just sleep and watch tv and one of them is my own real sister.
She is a couple of years younger to me and takes full advantage of it like not listening to anyone’s instructions and neglecting them by saying ask Di to do so as she calls me Di. By continuously doing so she has become a big couch potato. Today she is working with a very prestigious airline that is Indigo but I must say that before and after her shift she straight away hit the bed. She wakes up early in the morning around 4 am, gets ready and hits the road and after working for 8 long hours she just eats and sleeps by making excuses that she woke up so early. She does this till her next shift which makes her extremely lazy. My mother keeps on scolding her about this but she turns her a deaf year and continues to do what she loves the most. She doesn’t care about who so ever is visiting the house. She also never meets any relative who comes to see us and even never participates in any conversation regarding anything which makes her isolated from everything. She just relishes her world of dreams a lot.
In my perspective, every working professional does the same but they also take great care of their other liabilities like spending time with their near and dear ones or devoting time for their children. I think she should take a lesson from working mothers who are multitasking in both their worlds workplaces as well as homes as she will also be in the same stage one day.
To wrap it up, I would say that every individual, especially the youngsters, should be active and energetic every now and then as they are the future of a nation.