This is an IELTS listening Test 4. In this test, we will cover the full 40 questions test with listening audio and quiz. The user can take the quiz and analyze the listening skills. At the end of the quiz, the score will be generated automatically. The user can also review his questions on the result page.  Before listening start you can hear the listening Example:- Date of Birth

This listening is based on Birth Statistics

Time limit: 00:30:00
  1. SECTION 1

    Questions 1-10

    Complete the form:

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Questions 1 and 2

    • Birth Statistics


      Date of Birth:


      10 August

      Sex:  male
      First Name: Tom
      Surname: Lightfoot
      Weight 1.
      Length 2.  cms
      Colour of hair black

      Questions 3-5
      Label the map. Choose your answers from the box below. Write the appropriate letters A-E on the map.

      A State Bank
      B St George’s Hospital
      C Garage
      D Library
      E University

      4.  5.

      Questions 6-10
      Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

      Gift for Susan Gift for baby
      What will they buy? 6.  7. 
      Where will they buy the gifts? 8.  9. 
      Approximate prices? $15 10. $
  2. SECTION 2

    Questions 11-20
    Complete the table below.
    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
    For the recommendation column, write
    A You must buy this.
    B Maybe you should buy this.
    C You should never buy this.

    • Name Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s) Recommendation
      Vacuum Flask
      • Contains no
      • Steel guaranteed
      for 20 years
      • Keeps warm for 12. 
      • Expensive
      • Leaves 13. 
      Whistle Key
      • Press-button light
      useful for finding
      • Unpleasant noise
      • Doesn’t work
      Army Flashlight
      (squeeze light)
      • Useful for
      • Works
      • Has 19.  C
      Decoy Camera (to
      trick burglars)
      • Realistic
      • Difficult to fix
      onto wall
  3. Choose the correct letters A—C.
    21 Amina’s project is about a local

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
  4. 22 Dr Bryson particularly liked

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
  5. 23 Amina was surprised because she

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
  6. Questions 24-26
    What suggestions does Dr Bryson make? Complete the table as follows.
    Write A if he says KEEP UNCHANGED
    Write B if he says REWRITE
    Write C if he says REMOVE COMPLETELY

    • Example
      Section headings


      Information on housing 24. 
      Interview data 25. 
      Chronology 26.


      Questions 27-30
      Complete the notes below.
      Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


      • Read ‘Approaches to local history’ by John Mervis
      • Read 27.  ‘ by Kate Oakwell
      • Make changes and show to 28. 
      • Do 29.  by 29 June
      • Laser print before 30. 
      • Hand in to faculty office.
  7. SECTION 4

    Questions 31-40
    Questions 31-34
    Write NUMBERS AND/OR NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer.

    • 31 Between what times is the road traffic lightest?

      32 Who will notice the noise most?

      33 Which day of the week has the least traffic?

      34 What will be the extra cost of modifying houses?

  8. Question 35
    Choose the correct letter A-D.
    The noise levels at the site can reach

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  9. Questions 36-38
    Complete the table showing where devices used in reducing noise could befitted in the houses.
    Write: W for walls
    D for doors
    C for ceilings

    • Example
      acoustic seals
      double thickness plaster board 36. 
      mechanical ventilation 37. 
      air conditioning 38. 
  10. Questions 39 and 40
    Choose the correct letters A-D.
    39 Which is the correct construction for acoustic double glazing?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
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