Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of public.
You should say:
- Where were you?
- What did you sing?
- How did you feel?

There are plentiful occasions which everyone comes across when they are asked to perform something in front of the others. It commences from our early childhood when we have to recite a poem in the class or dance or sing something among the relatives or friends. I too have encountered this situation myriad times however here I would like to talk about a recent one when I sang a few lines in front of my colleagues.
Actually, I am working professional serving at a designation of software engineer in a renowned MNC. Few days ago, on the occasion of Holi, the festival of colours, our HR department had organised an event in the common area of our campus. It was decorated with balloons, there was a special counter where there were several eco-friendly colours and had different stalls offering numerous Indian snacks like panipuri, pao bhaji etc. All these things have transformed the entire place into a vibrant one.
Around lunch break, a noisy bunch of exuberant employees entered the hall and HR manager made some announcement followed by a concise speech of our chairman. We all played with the colours enthusiastically and relished the flavourful treat. To wind-up this event with a high spirit, all the department heads were asked to perform something. Initially, I was nervy and bashful so was a little reluctant however when my team cheered me up, I went on to the stage and carolled my favourite “Hall of the fame” to exhort my team.
All in all, though it was a little awkward to perform in front of hundreds of colleagues, these kinds of experiences contribute significantly and sanguinely in building up the resilient personalities.