Describe a uniform you wear
You should say:
- When you wear it?
- Who bought it for you?
- What does it look like?
- How you feel about it?

Uniform is not only an incumbent part of everybody’s school years, but it also plays a crucial role in corporate world in projecting the image of an organization and to unite the workforce into a homogeneous unit. Nowadays special emphasis is given on the dress codes as it needs to be stylish and different from the others as well. In our day to day lives, we come across various uniforms at schools, service centers, restaurants etc.
I have also worn different uniforms till now but today I would like to describe the work wear I put on every evening. I am pursuing Hotel management from Imperial College and working as a part-time employee at McDonald, located in our vicinity. It not only helps me to bear my expenses on my own, but also contributes a fruitful experience to my resume. While working here, I realized the significance of uniforms.
During our working hours, we have to wear a white base shirt with thin, dense green vertical stripes with green round neck collars. It also includes a black trouser and a cap of the same color, bearing the logo of McD. I would not say that it is very elegant or impressive but looks decent.
Although work wears put an impact on the outer appearance of the employees, it also serves myriad other purposes. It boosts the confidence of the workers as it depicts that they are the ambassadors of the organization. This feeling of belongingness motivates us to work more dedicatedly. Besides it, the lighter pastel shade and the style of our uniform creates a powerful psychological imprint on the customer as it suggests approachability. The customers approach us cheerfully which helps to ensure better service delivery.
Overall, I love wearing it as I feel like a professional serving a huge organization and to be a part of McD family.
It composed his thoughts while reading the article amazingly::)
King regards,
Abildgaard Henneberg