Describe a situation when you did not have enough time.

Please say:

  • When did it happen?
  • Why didn’t you have enough time?
  • How was the experience?


It was Wednesday daybreak and life appears to be hectic and busy with chores as always. It was the day of Prize Distribution at our institution and I was to be given the prize for performing well in academics at the ceremony. It was an auspicious day and the ceremony was to commence at 9:15 a.m. It was proximately 8:15 a.m. when I left for school. I presumed I would be in time for the ceremony. The chief guest for the day was the honorable athlete Mr. Milkha Singh.

I was remarkably enthusiastic since morning pondering about receiving the prize with the hands of my motivation in front of the entire school. Everything was going absolutely well until the car had to slow down suddenly due to the traffic jam ahead. Traffic congestions were a frequent affair in my city. It was about 8:35 a.m. and still, there was more than sufficient time. Generally, it takes proximately twenty minutes to reach the school. The car rolled slowly as the jam grew worse. However, the traffic got cleared and we finally arrived at the school. It was around 8:50 am and the Prize distribution ceremony was about to begin. When all of a sudden my class teacher called me and asked to read out the welcome note and opening speech at the ceremony since the boy who ought to does it fall ill.

I have very less time for rehearsals. However, to my relief, the chief guest arrived 20 min late and I got some extra time for rehearing my speech once. The next moment I was in front of the whole school without much practice, but it went well. Later, the moment came for which I was waiting for the last few days, I received the prize from the hands of Mr. Milkha Singh. It was the most memorable moment of the ceremony for me. I still have that picture in my room.