Describe a long car journey you went on.
- Where you went.
- What you did at this place.
- Who you went there with.
- Explain why you went on that journey by car.

I am habitual of visiting different places as it is my favorite pastime, especially with my kith and kin.
I remember, last year when my mid-term’s holidays were going on I was down in the dumps because of my bad performance in the semester exams. I used to confine myself in the room. Keeping this in mind my family decided to take me for a long drive to somewhere I feel solace, as usual. They packed my bags and we hit the road. It was a two days journey and as we all were having the acquaintance regarding how to drive, we drove turn wise. Initially, it was going monotonous but in the middle of the journey, our car started sounding bizarre and eventually stopped. We looked for help but because it was too late that we were not able to make it happen. We all were getting worried about how to tackle this conundrum and started waiting for sunrise. Meanwhile, one of my kinsmen started cracking jokes to kill the time, virtually it became the hilarious part of our journey. We had not slept that night and that night all my worries vanished. Hence, we reached our destination and it was Jaipur- the pink city as my paternal uncle and aunt lives there. Despite this, we went there for the first time, which eventually turned out to be an astounding time for us. We met our relatives and had a gala time with them and their descendants. Although it was a cherishable vacation for us, an outlandish thing happened to us when we commenced our journey towards Rajasthan as we were looking forward to spending two days over there, however, in the middle of the road we encountered an accident and a mother was shouting for help since his child was stuck in the car which was about to crash. We stepped out of the car and saved the child. When we turned over there was no woman and the child was bitterly crying. We were shocked when we saw the mother died in the car, we took that child with us and tried making him calm. Since then he is with us. But it was really a strange thing that happened to us.
Therefore, we came back to our pavilions with a bundle of joyful and bizarre memories with us.
Good essay